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Showing posts from October, 2018

Catching Up

It's been months since I've blogged, and I'm not really sure why. It's not like I haven't started any posts; I have. And it's not like I don't have things to say, either. I spent the summer working hard on a novella and a short story. The novella is included in the Holiday Hockey Romance Anthology (releases November 13; pre-order now!), and the short story one of the 33 in Shades of Pink , a breast cancer charity anthology, available until the end of the month with a donation. We're so close to hitting our goal! Please consider contributing. And although I worked hard to meet my deadlines for the anthologies, I had some fun too. In August, I went to D.C. with my cousins for a long weekend, and it was an amazing time. I'd never been before, and I had fun checking out all the monuments, eating so many different (and new to me) things, and had a general blast with my cousins. Supreme Court Eating Alligator... tastes like chicken S...