I know "normal" is a relative word. What's normal to me isn't normal to someone else. And what used to be normal for me has gone flying out the window. So now I begin the search for my new normal . On July 21, I had my gallbladder out. Within a week, I was feeling great! I was off the pain meds, could stand up and sit down as good as ever, and was starting to experiment with what foods to eat. I've been able to to eat pizza and fries again! No more nausea and vomiting! Even better, I've gotten back some of my lost energy; last week, I was able to go grocery shopping and then come home and put everything in its place! And yesterday, I did laundry and put it all away in the same evening. Yes, I'm definitely feeling more energized. So I'd chalk the surgery up as a major success . I will continue to experiment with my diet to see what works for me and what doesn't. I still have IBS, so I have to learn what foods to avoid, what foods...
The blog of Jaymee Jacobs, USA Today best-selling author