Everyone who knows me know that I totally own being a crazy cat lady. I constantly post pictures of my beautiful diva cat, Maxie. Well, I was constantly posting pictures of her. I haven't in a while because, well, she hasn't been well. She's taken to making the closet her favorite place, so I made it comfortable for her. She's got her heating pad and her fleece blanket. Background info: this tiny gray cat adopted my family when I was 16. She finagled her way into our home and has never left. She's always been my baby cat, choosing me as her cat-mom by meowing at me loudly late at night, even though no one believed me that this otherwise quiet kitty was a noisy nellie. She's been spoiled rotten from the very beginning, when my mom bought her special cat food because she turned up her nose at what the other kitties were happy to wolf down. She got special treats and special treatment. She's the queen of my castle. A total diva . Friends of mi...
The blog of Jaymee Jacobs, USA Today best-selling author